Powerpoint explaining about New Year and why people make resolutions.
I have also included a video about how to say happy new year in several languages from YouTube.
Also a worksheet I made to help children write their own 2016 New Year Resolutions.
A collection of resources for anti-bullying, many of which will spark ideas for your own planning with your class.
I have included a short assembly with the excellent short animation Narrated by Kate Winslet and lots of additional resources. NEW I have included this as Mac Keynote (will work on iPad) and also newly edited PowerPoint file.
An excellent idea during this week is to approach ‘dealing with anger’ with the children. A great way to do this is to use the ‘Angry Birds’ video game to spark their interest I have included a powerpoint and some posters / worksheets to help. Also some sheets that go well with the Pixar short movie included.
I have also written an example ‘anti-bullying letter’ example written in shared writing with the children and a ‘Dealing with dilemmas’ PowerPoint (i.e. what to do in certain situations.)
I have always found the website ‘Go-Givers’ to be excellent.
NB I do not claim to own the video sections of this resource.
Although many are fantastic to use!